My Deep Passion For Video Games

"That Game Sucks"

I often end up in arguments with people over video games. Mostly over whether or not they "suck." This is something I find myself getting into more often than I'd like. I didn't realize what was happening, I never understood why I kept finding myself in this predicament, why everyone wanted to argue with me or of course vice versa.

I know I'm a stubborn person, or can be anyways, but I was still very confused. After years and years of this kind of interaction with fellow gamers I think I've finally come to a small understanding, I hope so anyways.

Self Discovery?

My problem is I love video games. lol It's silly but that's what it is. I don't just play a game and immediately hate it. And if I do, that is an incredibly rare occasion. Of course there are things I might not like about a game. Maybe the controls are bad, maybe the graphics aren't as impressive as I think they should be, maybe a level was tedious and boring, maybe the story is bland. There are many things I might not like about a game, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it for the good things it has and loving it for it.


I can't even tell you how many times I've been accused of being a "fanboy" just for saying how much I enjoy a game, a console, or a service. What makes me laugh every time is that often it's coming from the same people who know that I say "I love this game" to almost every game they mention. Yet the only time they insist on calling me a "fanboy" is when it's about something they don't like in particular.

Yes, I am indeed a fanboy. I'm a fan of everything involving the video game world. Some things I like less than others, that's usually all it is. Some games I have absolutely no interest in, not because it sucks, I just simply have no interest in it at the time. My preferred game tastes do change from time to time. That doesn't mean I always refrain from saying "that sucks." lol It does happen sometimes. Usually if I say "that sucks," I'll tend to follow it up with "compared to..."

I enjoy puzzle games and social games but those are the last types of games I will ever play, and I mean dead last. I won't play those unless I'm incredibly bored, have absolutely no way to access a different type of game or possibly see one that looks a little bit more interesting and I'll give it a chance. Or maybe on another rare occasion if a good friend I haven't seen or talked to in a long time wants to play. And possibly an even rarer occasion of actually being in the mood. =p

The Casual Gamer

That said, I do not consider puzzle games and social games "real" games. These are casual pastimes. People seem to get offended when I or other gamers make this kind of reference. I'm not attempting to insult you if casual games are your thing. That is wonderful! That doesn't make you a "gamer" in my eyes. A gamer isn't somebody that only plays Farmville or Angry Birds, I'm sorry. Now, if you play games like Uncharted, Tomb Raider, and then Farmville, I will consider you a gamer. =p I do not mean this as an insult. Of course, that is just how I see it.

Already Done Before: So What?

This is something that never bothers me. People are always insisting on "innovation" which is practically impossible. They complain about sequels being "more of the same." I do not understand this. Of course its more of the same, it's what we loved about it in the first place. It's a sequel, do people really expect a hack and slash game to turn into a first-person shooter or something? There's nothing wrong with hybrids of course.

Every time I see gamers making ridiculous demands, they almost never offer up suggestions and if they do, they're usually absolutely terrible and the developer might as well make a completely different game. I'm often shocked when I see a public suggestion that's actually decent.

I don't mind that sequels are similar to the previous games. That's why I like them, new story, almost always improved graphics, some new elements, upgraded UI's and controls, I mean that's what it's all about. It's not the same game. I can't tell you how mad I get when people say "it's more of the same." Gameplay yes, but the story is completely new and usually offers more insight into the characters, a continued story that we wanted anyways because we didn't want the game to end. I mean it completely confuses me how weird gamers can be. Demanding things that make no sense and crying if they do get exactly what they asked for.

I am not saying I don't like innovation. I also don't blame gamers for wanting it. I just think they are often unrealistic in their demands.
Multiple games in the same genre too similar? I can understand that complaint. I just enjoy them for the new characters and different takes on the story and of course different or better graphics style.

It's Time To Try And Turn My Hobby Into My Dream Life

After finally deciding to follow many of my friends advice over many years, I've already started writing what I think about my experiences while having played particular video games. It's way more fun than I had expected. I'm a "noob" but I can already tell I've gotten better. Thanks to some game sites (like GameSkinny) editors and my sister I've gotten tons of advice and help on how to write better. I look forward to learning more and getting better. Now that I've started I have absolutely no intention of stopping. Video games have been my life, and I can finally try and give a little bit back even if it's only in the form of more detailed feedback than "this game rocks!" =)

I read an article that made me realize how bias I am. It's not on purpose ok? lol I promise when and if I give a score rating I will try to be more impartial to a fair score. That may take me awhile though, and many more practice runs before I finally have a better idea on how to score a game more reasonably. That being said, I like saying how I feel about a game. I don't care if others won't give a game a 10 when I will, it's my 10, not theirs. =p

I hope you enjoy my "reviews" and if you find the time please comment! Please give me feedback!
